So a selection of the best of Barack and co. [and also, a cheese plate]:

I love that it looks like Malia is photographing her dad about to go to prom. That girl must have some killer scrapbooks.

Who wouldn't want this badass to be President?!

Geez Michelle, why don't you wear a dress I don't like on occassion?!

The phones in the Oval Office even have a presidential seal? Ridiculous.
Or awesome.

Check it bitches.
Made in the USA.

Fuck you Ansel Adams. This is the best photo ever taken.

If this was an episode of 24, the person who placed this marker would actually be in cahoots with terrorists, and would be setting a marker for a gunman. And Jack Bauer would have to headbutt the president to the ground to save the day.

Meta picture #1!

Meta picture #2! Michelle on a magazine cover!

A cheese plate. A fucking cheese plate. You would think the White House could afford better crackers than those ubiquitous butterfly shaped ones - I can buy those at my corner store.

How baller is Air Force One?!

Buy a fucking table cloth. It's the White House.

Michrack? Barelle?
Wow, those both suck.
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